Friday, February 28, 2025

Healing Post Traumatic Slave Disorder

 BLACK HISTORY MONTHHealing Post Traumatic Slave Disorder

Why post a blog for BLACK HISTORY MONTH on the last day of the month on which it is celebrated? That's easy. It's to show that we will not limit this black history or any history to any one month or day.   True and accurate history belongs to us all.  

And in truth, it is more important than ever.  Everyone is black, brown yellow or fair skin.  Do your own research. That's the original DNA code for all humans with a soul created from the original blue print. Don't be ashamed. Do your own research. 

Society at large has been indoctrinated over centuries. There are some who wish to re-write history. But when you do that, you lose the truth. You begin to believe everything is "man made" including humans.  But when everything begins to fall apart, and it is, the lie can not cure it. Only the truth can bring healing, restoration, and improvements.

Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen for your self, your family and your community. The rest will take care of itself. Many have already started to do so. We will include some of their remarkable work in future blog posts. Let the healing begin.

African-Americans, Hebrews/Israelites, Indigenous Peoples, Japanese Immigrants and American Latinos all share something in common. What is it? Many of them suffer from post traumatic slave disorder.  And it has largely gone untreated.

On record, slavery in the USA started in approximately 1619 and ended January 1, 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation. Was declared by Abraham Lincoln which ended the Civil War to end free labor.

In truth, it is just ending now. The descendants of those in servitude in the Americas and British Virgin Islands as well as those who previously served in Egypt have been experiencing “Post Traumatic Slave Disorder” (PTSD)of some kind or another.  

Within the context of that group, we include the Indigenous peoples of the Americas and the Japanese. They know what I am talking about. We have all moved on.  

But their history  and stories are important. We see you. We hear you. We acknowledge your contributions to the greater society. We need to and want to include your true and accurate stories in history. We don't just want to hear about the pain and suffering. We also want to hear about the great heroes, inventors, and folklore long lost and or hidden from the tapestry of this country and society at large.  

Many have taken your success and relabeled them as their own. Your children don't even know about the story about the great contributions of their ancestors. They have only been taught European history and the Color of Slavery. That stops today.

Many of them have raised their own children with the same emotional, psychological, physical afflictions and insecurities that were once only imposed upon them by their oppressors. Today, it is more subtle. But it is still in effect.  Again, that stops today.

"Why do you cry out over your wound, your pain that has no cure?
Because of your great guilt and many sins I have done these things to you.  “‘But all who devour you will be devoured; all your enemies will go into exile.
Those who plunder you will be plundered; all who make spoil of you I will despoil.
But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast,  Zion for whom no one cares. Jeremiah 30:15-17

They say you can’t move forward looking back. But I say; you moving forward by healing from your ancestral past.  Learn from it. Don’t repeat the conditioning and habits imposed by past and/or current oppressors.

You must recognize it. Call it for what it is.  Don't argue with their insanity.  Build your house from within. That is a strong solid spiritual foundation that can not be shaken. 

It appears quiet. But its a mighty storm. And it is within your very soul. God gave it to you. No man can take it from you. 

Karma is real. And that is every oppressors’ biggest fear. Awakening and restitution of the victims.

But you are not a victim. You are here on this page because you are a survivor and the generational breakthrough your ancestors prayed and awaited. It’s happening now and you are part of this eclectic story.

Let’s unfold it together. Shall we?

As a woman of color myself, I struggled with what to share for Black History Month. It’s an entire month of a handful of regular repeats.  You know, like Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman.

Don’t get me wrong. I am grateful for all the above-mentioned contributions. However, living in America, which at times can have a multitude of opportunities, it also seems to limit the sharing of the abundance of accurate black, latino, asian history etc.

The truth is so powerful, the “powers that be” would rather open cannabis dispensaries and let you smoke yourself into a stupor rather than let you know the truth. Free your mind. Think about it.

The groups I mentioned share the common history of ancestors who at some point were treated like chattel. Unfortunately, these same people are experiencing the psychological and emotional residual effects.  Rather than whining about it; it’s time to heal.

God told Abraham that his descendants would serve in a foreign land for 400 years. See Genesis 15:13.  It's been over 400 years between Egypt and the Americas. What started in 1619 in North America  and was supposed to end in  January 1, 1863.  However, corporations, governments and Big Pharma have a plan for your life if you don't. So get a plan. Make it good. 

We see so many changes taking place. Some people feel disempowered. Others are now realizing their power. It’s a spiritual awakening that is long overdue.

The first step to healing is to acknowledge the overlooked hurts. Recognize what needs to be addressed. Stop blaming others. Take accountability.  Take back our power. Stop expecting others to do it for us.  Stop reacting emotionally. Recognize they are only triggers to issues that need to be healed. Heal ourselves. Heal our children. Mend our hearts. Create our own abundantly blessed future.

Why did it happen? In short, we left our God Source.  We left the spiritual path.

As we return to the Truth (EMET). We regain our power. We no longer allow outside panic to take our inner peace. We reclaim the Wisdom always available to us. We move forward as a wiser, kinder, more charitable, collective Intelligence that no government, AI or corporation can control, blind side or hinder.

"Hear, O nations, the word of the LORD, and proclaim it in distant coastlands: “The One who scattered Israel will gather them and keep them as a shepherd keeps his flock.” Jeremiah 31:10

Learn your history. Return to your Unlimited God given heritage.  It's RICH and so are you!

The Holy Bible (Old Testament/ Torah/Tanakh) is a coded book.  It was over-edited by man. But it leaves clues. 

Read it first (if you desire) for the story. Then read it again to reclaim history. It will speak to each person at their level. 

Visit MyLoveisOne/Contact if you wish to make a donation of any size.  

Send us  2  #10 self addressed stamped envelopes (SASE) with your return name and postal mailing address and we will send you important information as it unfolds directly!

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 Recommended reading: Jeremiah Chapt. 30- Jeremiah Chapt. 31 and the Book of Nehemiah.

Shalom/Peace and Wholeness,


Purchase a LIBERTY t-shirt from our merch shop! 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11



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