We are delighted to include a special book in our Healing Ancestral PTSD series. The Book of Esther is one of the few books in the Tanach (Holy Bible) that highlights a Woman. It's very appropriate that we should include the Book of Esther in our series as we also celebrate Women's History Month.
Queen Esther (Hadassah) is a true Queen. She rightly deserves an entire Book.
The name Esther means “star”. Here Hebrew name, Hadassah means “myrtle tree”.
While the story is true. The hidden meaning is even more intriguing.
Contrary what you may have heard or previously learned; God appears on every page of the Tanach (Holy Bible). However, you need a personal relationship (covenant/circumcised heart) to see and hear that still small Voice clearly. You’ll probably want to bookmark and share this page.
Queen Esther (Hadassah) is Shekina made manifest. She’s the burning bush (myrtle tree) that
spoke to Moses as “I will be what I will be”. Most people don't think God appears but I assure you; it's true.
Most of you know her as the Shabbos Queen (without mother or father). Some of you also know her as Melchizedek. Shekina is the Shabbos queen we invite every Friday eve through Saturday evening known as the Shabbot.
By the
king’s command each guest was allowed to drink with no restrictions, for
the king instructed all the wine stewards to serve each man what he wished. Esther 1:8
She tells you who she is on the first page. She first appears as Queen Vashti (Beautiful One to drink in) who refuses to enter a room full of drunk men.
She is Shakina. She is the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 1 of Esther is also the Sabbath Day, the scene in the Garden of Eden (Genesis), Mount Sinai, and present day all at once. The first banquet was with Moses at Mount Sinai. Present Day is where you should focus as it is the anticipated Second Banquet.
In that day the Lord Almighty will
be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for
the remnant of his people. 6 He will be a spirit of justice to
the one who sits in judgment, a source of strength to
those who turn back the battle at the gate. Isaiah 28:5-6
The King is embarrassed and "divorces" Queen Vashti for not attending his drunken and misguided
banquet. However, the Queen realizes the King is drunk but does ultimately
have good intentions. He's simply "under the influence".
The banquet lasts 180 days. The number 18 (Chai in Hebrew means Life). Ten is the Malkuth (the Kingdom) which is where earth is on the Tree of Life (third dimension). Queen Vashti is Keter (the Crown - the top).
is holding court with Chokmah and Binah (Wisdom and Understanding). She will not lower herself to their disrespectful ruckus. However, she let's us know the King can rise up to the level of the crown when the King gets rid of his drunken advisors and thus restores truth and justice in the land.
7 And these also stagger from wine and reel from strong drink: Priests and prophets stagger from strong drink and are befuddled with wine; they reel from strong drink, they stagger when seeing visions, they stumble when rendering decisions.8 All the tables are covered with vomit and there is not a spot without filth. Isaiah 28:5-8
Are we having fun yet? I hope so. Learning is fun when it has true purpose.
As we move along, please remember to work at your own pace. If a previous post is helping you, stick with it until you’ve finished. This is not a competition.
If you are playing a particular video or reading a certain post multiple times and re-reading a particular portion in the Bible, you are putting in the work. You will see change. That’s why you’re here.
You can’t move up when you leave this world. You will only get back what you put in while here.
Take your time; but use your time wisely. This post will be here when you are ready.
As you study the Book of Queen Esther (which
is to be read in its entirety during Purim - you can download the Megillah free here), observe the allegorical message.
Much like the Song of Songs (a.k.a. Song of Solomon) there is indeed a deeper
meaning. God is very deep. God also has a sense of humor.
Queen Vashti refuses to come to
the banquet when summoned by the king. Queen Vashti also symbolizes the Jews at Mount Sinai who refused to listen to God in person and reverted to a drunken celebration of the golden calf.
The King (symbolizes Mashiach aka the real Messiah) is so upset that he roams the land (world) in search of a new queen who is unselfish and kind. He seeks One who will be compassionate to the lives and well being of others.
But He really already has that. It was His ego and his drunken advisors who caused him confusion.
I know. This is like a Hollywood movie but better because it's true and we are all actors in the story.
Queen Esther is the secret hidden Hebrew (who appears to be a Gentile or heathen) who captures the King’s heart (found favor/ circumcised heart). Ironically, she is Queen Vashti (Shakina) in a humble state. She has lowered herself to teach the King.
Instead of just thinking of herself, the new queen (Queen Esther) sends an urgent message to the entire kingdom asking them to pray, fast (and study Torah). She stands on the front line along with God’s chosen people, Israel.
Mordechai (Queen Esther's uncle) is today's Jewish Scholars, righteous souls, an Rabbis. They stand at the gate, but can not enter. Why? They study Torah voraciously but have not yet actively sought the entire Hebrew Nation (all 12 tribes) and distributed Torah to the four corners of the earth. Like Mordechai, they (rabbis and scholars) must take time away from their studies to publish and teach Torah worldwide.
Queen Esther's faith helps save the Hebrews. While doing so, she also exposes the truth about Haman. Haman is Amalek. (See Exodus 17).
I apologize in advance for those who may be offended by the following statement. And many will offend some. But the truth brings healing and advancement.
Amalek represents all (i.e. Buddah, Jesus, Mohammad, fraternities, sororities, secret societies, career/job, social media, games, music, movies, entertainment, celebrities, distractions, corrupt governments, drugs, alcohol etc.) who may or may not be used as messengers, but they are not the King. They give themselves that status and seek to overthrow the true and authentic King. You should not allow them to control you or over ride your free will, or consume your whole heart, mind, and all your time. (See Isaiah Chapter 28)
They (idols) are not the true and living God. Only YHVH (a.k.a. Hashem, El Shaddai, Adonai, Almighty God, the true and living God) is able to fulfill all the needs and desires of your heart. Only YHVH can heal and redeem your soul.God needs no middleman. You have direct access to the King via prayer and the study of Torah.
God speaks to people through their hearts. That’s why each person must personally make that connection. Each person must renounce satan, the imposter, and ask the true and living God into their hearts.
In the Garden of Eden, it was Adam, Eve and the serpent. At Mount Sinai
it was Moses, Miriam, and Aaron. Jesus is the main Amalek in our
generation. I know. It's hard to believe but it's true.
All idols are imposters. (represented by the clown during Purim) They (imposters) have made themselves kings over people.
I it has become an addiction for you; it is idol worship. It is also a form of slavery. You think you can not live with out it.
But the very breath (Ruach) given to you comes from God. You need your life breath. Think you don’t? Try living without it. You can’t. That’s the grace of God.
Stop cursing. You only curse yourself and your environment. Those are wise words. Trust it.
Thank God for every breath. That’s a small but major example of God’s merciful abundance available to all.
YHVH is unlimited (thus the various costumes during Purim). God only wants to supply whatever you need. However, true love and giving also means guiding, teaching and correcting (the rod and staff) when necessary in order to raise you up to be your very best that you are designed to be.
While you may not recognize God. God sees you. God is every where and can appear in any form.
Want more joy in your life? Fulfill your purpose. Don’t know what that is? Ask God. ☏
If you celebrate Halloween, then you'll love Purim! Attend a Purim celebration in your community. Dress up in costume. Bring the kids. It's a mitzvah to hear the Book of Esther (Megillah) on Purim.
Listening to the Megillah (Book of Esther) helps release any hidden Amalek characters in your own life. Fast in the day and feast at night! (March 7, 2023)
Check your local JCC, synagogue or Chabad Center online. Some may have an entry fee (as they serve food) while others are free with a donation. Did I mention how much your children will love this?
It is also customary to feed the poor and donate to charity on Purim. You can't really love your neighbor fully until you love yourself. So please love and respect yourself and your neighbor too. Remember, you were once a stranger in Egypt. And look at you here now studying Torah and doing mitzvots. 😍
Your support helps us to spread Torah worldwide. Thank you in advance!
Shalom, Mazel, and Bracha.
"Sh'ma Yisrael. Adonai Eluheinu. Adonai echad." Hear O' Israel. The Lord our God is One.
Suggested reading for your edification: the Book of Esther (Megillah), Exodus 17: 8-16, and memorize the 23rd Psalm.
The Book of Esther is also known as the Megillah. It should be heard aloud. Read psalm 23 aloud daily to your children until they have it memorized. However long it takes. And it won’t take long. You’ve given them a tool they will use and benefit for the rest of their lives. Most children can learn the 23rd Psalm even before they can read and start kindergarten or first grade. It’s doable.Here's the movie version of the Book of Esther! Shalom. Shalom.
these days were over, the king gave a banquet, lasting seven days, in the
enclosed garden of the king’s palace, for all the people from the least to
the greatest who were in the citadel of Susa . Esther 1:5
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