Sunday, June 16, 2024

Renovating Earth with New Garments to Build the Third Temple

 I am writing this blog post one week after Shavuot the day the gift of the Ten Commandments delivered by Moses on Mount Sinai is celebrated. There is a lot to this occasion, but today, I want to focus on the Hebrews were given on this occasion which they eventually had to return because to their rebellion.

The period between Pesach (Passover) is also known as the 49 days of “counting the omer”. But in reality, it is the 49 paths from Pesach to Shavuot that can only be attained via a connection to the 12 tribes of Israel which is also a reflection of the 12 astrological signs in unity.

This means of course that the “stars” align during this auspicious time to make a great shift in one’s spiritual evolution which in turn impacts the entire world. So it affects everyone whether they know it or not.

Until now, only one path has been widely utilized (tribe of Judah) which is known by Jews, Christians and Catholics alike. See Book of Ruth Chapter 3:9

This is why the Book of Ruth is read during Shavuot. It is one of the fifty divine pathways (gates).

Bnai Israel’s “task” is to re-align themselves (unity) and then become a conduit for others who choose to cleave as well from whatever tribe best fits them. See Book of Zechariah 8:23"Ten men will grab the garment of every Jew saying 'Let us go with you.'" It's a spiritual garment of course.

Even now, the entire world (earth) has been out of course due to “man made” ideas (i.e. plastic) that simply have no long-term sustainability.

Advancements in technology may be utilized only as it pertains to facilitating truth. If it compromises life (in any form), integrity, or any true ethos as provided in the Tanakh (Old Testament Bible), it will not sustain.

Stem cell research (which primarily comes from using cells of fetus of aborted babies) is not sustainable. Like plastic, it (medical and scientific advancements) seems like a good idea at first until people start experiencing psychological disorders. It’s just like mad cow disease for the same reasons.

As you can see, the earth is “reacting” to physical and spiritual violations. As above so below and vice versa and it is mostly us (earth) impacting heaven right now.

We are all co-creators but God will not (allow us) violate the original blueprint. That is what caused all the previous world destructions.

You – me – we are deciding the extent of this next destruction. It’s a necessary component of any renovation.

Everything society needs is in the Torah (first five books). The rest of the Tanakh is the real Commentary.

I do foresee this ancient Book being reinstated in classroom studies as it will eventually become apparent that this Book inspires some amazing advancements that are true and sustainable. It will also alter the way we teach history as the true and main parts of our (humanity’s)history has been intentionally covered up and whitewashed.

The truth is truly profound. You’ll see.

If you are fortunate to find a true scholar (from any of the 12 tribes of Israel), and they are extensive -  then sit under the Oral Torah. But most speak too fast.

It’s a very eloquent and deliberate ancient song (story) that takes time to hear and digest. It does require repetition because it is so loaded. 

So, take small bites. Take your time.

It’s a lifelong (discipline)experience. Consistency is preferred over quantity. Consume a portion daily. It will change your life (for the better).

The Tanakh (Bible) is an allegory of mass riches. It’s hidden for those who have the discipline and sincerity to dive in. Your soul (ancient and eternal) will translate and often times at night while you sleep.

Apparently, some of you took a deep dive this past Shavuot. Thus, this extensive blog post.

Perhaps next year (God willing), the Third Temple will truly begin to take shape. It really only happens upon gathering of the 12 tribes of Israel as only it can. Afterall, that is the foundation.

In fact, it has already started. But it appears as if surrounded by scaffolding as the 12 tribes awaken and gather worldwide.

The earth itself operates mostly on a spiritual plane. But we can only see the “seed time and harvest” as it pertains to farming, flowers etc. here on earth. But the concept (above and below) remains the same.

I should also add that the days from Pesach (Passover) to Shavuot is actually fifty days and therefore fifty gates. But most people do not see the 50th gate but perhaps in due season some will. One must merit it.

But prior to Pesach most of B’nai Israel has paid the required 50 shekels to enter (no more and no less) so it is available to each of them. Yes, it’s real. (See 2 Kings 15:20; Deuteronomy 10:16; and Isaiah 52:1 in that order given)

Christians call this Pentecost. They have the 50 days correct and the gift of the Holy Spirit correct. But the reasons they celebrate it and the person they idolize is 100% wrong.

Yes, I am sure. That road leads to a dead end. Literally. “The covering is too short for the bed.” (Isaiah 28:20)

Why am I posting this AFTER Shavuot? Because quite frankly I didn’t have it until now myself. I had bits and pieces. This is the gift I was given at Shavuot.

As many of you have learned by now, the only way you can keep these gifts is to share it with others. It’s a spiritual law.

I have forgotten some things because I just didn’t share it fast enough. And sometimes, it really is just for my understanding.

I know this because it is given to me on Shabbat when I can not write it down. Even now, I am trying to recollect.

Every holy (holiday) day dispenses gifts to the observant according to one’s own merit. It sometimes takes a while for me to digest and translate.

Sometimes it’s a day. Other times it’s a week. It may even take years. Who knows how long this has been coming down the pipeline.

This gift came courtesy of Rachel and her two sons whom I endearingly call Benji and Joey. Joey says for sure you will know this is true when you see it here today. I hope he is right. 

For whom ever it is for, I hope you find it. Shalom. Shalom.

Shema Yisrael. YHVH Eluheinu. YHVH echad.

Suggested Reading: The Book of Joel; Psalms 80-100

LeTicia Lee

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"For your Maker is your husband the LORD Almighty is His Name. The Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer. He is called GOD of all the earth." Isaiah 54:5