Why do Jews celebrate the New Year in the Autumn? (see previous post) And what does any of this have to do with you, me, and the entire world? Everything!
As I told many of you in My Love is One (those willing to admit you read it) Moses is fine. He merited to ascend to Israel. But he's still not ok with the fact that others did not.
He is still working out his tikkun. So is King David. If the Lord wills, I will explain in the 3rd edition of the book.
So what's going on? Each person must merit this privilege on his or her own.
However, it's facilitated by helping others.
This world (as we know it) has an expiration date. The lease is up. But it's not like you imagine.
There is no waste. We're in the midst of a major renovation.
It's like getting a new roof on your house. But our new roof is a new heavenly floor. I won't explain.
For now, suffice it to say, your good thoughts and actions/deeds are like earning prize tickets at the County Fair. Get enough tickets and you'll earn BIG PRIZES.
Your children can participate. In fact, it's highly recommended they do. I will elaborate in next post.
The last time this happened they (youth) were the ones that made it through. You know the saying, "Raise up a child in the way they should go and when they grow up they will not depart from it."
Meanwhile, it's not Psalm 90 Moses and the LORD want you to read today. But rather, study the Hebrew letter, Tsade (Tsadik), which has the gematria of 90.
See what I mean? You need a guide to get there.
I did. I still do.
I just happen to know the Best. Soon, you will too.
Yes, I'm still editing the final revised edition. 🙄 Help me LORD. These posts should help you all meanwhile.
Many people approached the book, My Love is One improperly. I scratched, cut, and, paste my precious notes together quickly to help you and others like you. (I also thought He was coming in 2018).
But it (the book) was received wrong. Thus, like Moses, the LORD knows your thoughts better than I. And just like then, the LORD listened to the "bar room" chatter.
Everything was put on pause. "Wait and see." That's where it stands. It's been four years. But who's counting?
Instead of telling Moses what I told you, the LORD simply said (I paraphrase), "Check out your 'friends'. They're building and bowing to a golden calf. "
That's still relevant by the way. There is a reason the events of 9/11 occurred on Wall Street.
The LORD had Moses go back and see the truth. He was out of alignment and so was the Hebrew nation.
The LORD encouraged Moses to restore his relationship/ marriage with Sephora, his wife. He had divorced her before ascending the mountain the first time siting he could not be committed to her and the LORD.
The LORD gently corrected him. He also had to deal with Aaron who did not uphold the mission by participating in the idol worshipping.
He transferred leadership to Joshua. Then he (Moshe) could ascend the mountain again for the second set of tablets.
There's a major lesson in there. I hope you see it.
We should all be paying attention. The Torah is always relevant. Most people read it too fast.
The Holy Spirit will leap off the pages if you sit and "soak it in." There is no need to fear if you know God loves you. It's true.
Most importantly, your lack of faith delays Moshiach/Messiah. You must first acknowledge (at minimum) your desire to know the true and living God (Creator) for yourself. That's the true Teacher. It's personal.
Then, in spite of all appearances, trust GOD. (economy, health, relationships etc... everything). That was the last message. Listen to God's Voice.
Reading the Tenach (Old Testament of the Bible) helps you "tune in" to God's frequency. 😍 Do it daily.
Psalms and Proverbs are very helpful to align yourself to divine wisdom. Afterall, this is the season of re-aligning (restoration /returning to God's ways) for those who are off track.
Read Psalm 15 and Ezekiel 20:40-44 for further edification. Rabbis may also want to read Ezekiel 45.
Watch My Love is One TELL THEM! There's no catch. The tickets are free.
However the payoff is great. Tell others. Earn points. Yes. Really. It's a mitzvah.
Watch My Love is One TELL THEM! episode 3, the KBA, for more details. Your support is greatly appreciated.
8 “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as a you did that day at Massah in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested me. They tried me, though they had seen what I did." Psalm 95:7-9