Monday, December 17, 2018

Why Should Every Country have an Embassy in Jerusalem?

Guess what country's leader urged EU leaders not to move their embassy to Jerusalem? One guess. Get > Answer <

Still think it's just about oil, Brexit, the stock market, and the Iran Nuclear Deal? Then you don't know your history. 

If you haven't read My LOVE is ONE, here's why it's so important: (and it's really happening)

The day of the Eternal One is coming. It is a day of judgment when a great final battle is fought. Jerusalem and her people are under attack; and the city, it seems, falls to her enemies. But ultimately, God’s people do not fight alone. The Lord comes—commanding the army of heaven—to rescue and defend His people. Ultimately, He is crowned King over all the earth. In that day, Jerusalem is transformed and reinstated as God’s holy city; it becomes the center of the world, the source of life-giving waters. Even her enemies make pilgrimages to Jerusalem to worship and adore the one True God.
16 In days to come, all people who took up arms against Jerusalem and survived will make a choice: they will either journey to Jerusalem every year to keep the Feast of Booths and to worship the King—the Eternal, Commander of heavenlyarmies— 17 or the families of nations will refuse the journey to Jerusalem to adore the King, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies. The rains will never come to those who refuse the journey18 Even the family of people known as Egypt, if they do not come up to and travel through the gates of Jerusalem to present themselves to God, the Eternal will afflict them with the same plague of drought He’ll use to crush those nations who won’t keep the Feast of Booths.

My Love is One:

What I Learned from the Messiah about Love, Family, Climate Change & The Second Coming (Available in Hardcover, Paperback & Digital eBook)

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Rochester, New York 14602